For lovers of gadgets - Snow plow

A delight in winter

is plowing the tracks outside in the garden when there was some snow. No doubts, a snow plow is a must.

Basic equipment for quick plowing fun when there was a little snow.

A simple solution

incorporating a short piece of plastic gutter from the DIY-store, a piece of flat of brass as a fixture and a gondola from a Toytrain starter set as well as some decorative details - that's all what is required to build a snow plow.

Stones as a load and fixed axle holders provide for a stabilized ride. The ball bearing wheels' power pick-ups are connected to the loco (or locos, see movies below) via sockets - which is of great advantage in snow.

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And this does happen in case the snow is too wet:

All preparations were a write-off, more or less. The snow was too wet.
It seems one eventually will need to build a rotary...

The author refrains from further words - the pictures do speak for themselves.

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