LGB - a control - Link to Jumbo transformers
Jumbo Transformers
can be incorporated into the control system quite easily after applying a minor
change to their electronics. Its 9-pole connector (formerly used for the
transformer's tethered RC) then is used to connect the transformer to a module,
especially designed for this purpose. Like all of the other modules it is
connected to the RS485-bus and the 24V DC power supply.
All functions "clickable" in the browser window
The little change applied to the electronics mentioned above modifies the transformer's control circuit so that it will interpret a PWM voltage instead of reacting upon the tethered RC's potentiometer. The PWM voltage is supplied by the module connected. This change allows for a much more exact and sensive regulation of the voltage than with the mechanical potentiometer.
As a result, different accelaration and decelaration curves for particular vehicles are executable via a "click". Raising and lowering pantographs or switching a vehicle's sound and light (if applicable) is possible this way as well. Even the complete process of uncoupling a DUO-loco from a train is replaced with a single simple "click" - no more hassle with the control knob for that.