LGB - a control - standard components
What is so wonderful about standards ?
That one can chose among so many of them !
The oxymoron in this statement manifests itself when looking at the
different digital model train control systems established on the market.
At best these are only partially compatible among each other and it comes
to annoying suprises and side-effects when using devices from different
manufacturers concurrently. Special functions affected by simple
limitations or a complete incompatibilty are the opalescent results.

Limiting oneself to a single manufacturer's components often means the necessity of extensive conversions, affecting vehicles and other material. Complementary purchases of locos and other stuff at a later time thus may (or will) mean additional follow-up costs - which often are significant.
Further deterrent effect has the proprietary character of each of the particular systems, on which (say the design) the user usually has no influence. Modifications of functionalities or adaptations of the user interface according to personal preferences are almost impossible. Requesting protection for investment (compatibility with future products, spare part availability, etc.) results in nothing but the manufacturers' frowning.
Reinventing the wheel
is not necessary, though. Alternative solutions incorporating commercial devices can easily be found in the computer and network world. A clever choice of related components removes any dependence on manufacturers and even operating systems which in result leads to
A comfortable, flexible and sustainable Control
for which the "standard" parts can be found at the next best IT dealer: