Katzhagen modeling department
RhB ABe 8/12 3501 "Allegra" - Willem Jan Holsboer
About the Maerklin/LGB serial model's potentials
The prototype
is a three-car electric trainset made by Stadler Rail in Altenrhein of which the RhB ordered 15 units. These are in scheduled operations since 2010. The appelation "Allegra" is a rhaetoromanian salutation which translates best to "Rejoice !" or "Be glad !".
Having eight driven axles and power of up to 2800kW the vehicles are designed for the numerous inclined lines of the RhB - up to 7% without a rack wheel !

The trainsets are equipped with a dual-power system (11kV, 16 2/3Hz AC and 1 kV DC) which allows for operations on the Bernina line as well as on the RhB's other lines. This provides for a maximum of flexibility since previously required changes of tractive units aren't necessary any longer.
The Dutchman Willem Jan Holsboer settled down in Davos in 1867 and got involved with the development of the local cure and tourism center as well as with the construction of the railway line between Landquart and Davos. Hence he was significantly involved with founding the Rhaetian Railway.
The model
makes an excellent visual impression since it features concerted proportions, a pristine lettering and numerous details - which bear a lot of potentials for improvements.
The meassures described below help to redesign both the model's appearance and its interior achieving more truth to the original. Given the amount of required work and to provide some lucidity, the documentation is split into related sections:
Electrical & mechanical issues
Illumination of destination boards
Illumination of dashboard and driver cabin (analogue)
Ball bearing axles with power pickup (motorless bogies)
Fixing height difference between units
Switches for the motors - Showcase mode
Interior design and small parts
Table maps
Seat padding
Floor design
Wall paneling
Screw couplers
Glas doors
The described meassures provide for a much more vivid appearance of this model...