Katzhagen - Archive - January 2009

A Really Happy New Year

took place in the garden as Piko delivered their brandnew VT98 and because there was some snow.

Christmas II on the 2nd of January - almost better than the Holidays themselves

It's been a long time since I last had awaited a vehicle's delivery that anxiously. Even on the 24th's morning I called my dealer to ask whether the VT98 had arrived - but no such luck. About two hours later, 11:57, the phone rings. It's the dealer:
"Your VT arrived an hour ago, but we are going to close in 3 minutes" and on top he mumbled something like "nice model" and "runs smoothly". For some reason it sprang to mind that he was the Grinch himself...

One week later my VT98 finally made it's way into our garden. And I must agree, a really great model.

First ride...

...successfully completed.

Then there was some snow...

The V51 being a snowplow for the first time

Was there an issue with wrong clothing ?

Iceless tracks provided for a stressless clearing

Achondroplasia instead of amputation

Passengers on the VT98

The VT98's seats do not offer enough space for passengers in 1:22.5 scale to take place in the vehicle without applying modifications to the figures.
The idea to make use of figures in 1:32 scale was neglected as they are definitely to small.

Instead of torturing the Preiser family with bare amputations, artificial achondroplasia (dwarfism, sort of) was applied: The legs were shortened near the hips and/or the thighs and reassembled then. Some filler, suitable paint and having the knack of sculptural surgery help to get the job done.

Please not the dwarf on the vehicles' left ... you can see him standing in the picture below

There are tall and not so tall individuals... 1:32 was significantly too small

And now ? See you later !

December 2008 | Archive "Current Affairs" | February 2009