Katzhagen - Archive - November 2011

Murphy ...

is all around - which will be well known to everybody. One of the last days with train operations started without any signs of his presence and the first train was put onto the tracks:

RhB 611 Landquart hauling staple food - Corn and beer

But it didn't reach its destination since it was stopped by a signal which should not have happened. An attempt to change the signal to "green" failed - the control acknowlegded the command with "T0300F1 - No answer". The related controller had bowed out of the data communication and it was due for a closer inspection.

Calamities ran their course...

Accessing the electric box's screws turned out be ...hmm... let's say difficult. Ants had build a brilliant hill around the whole box and so the removal of this bunch of earth not only took a hand brush and shovel but also a vacuum cleaner because of some inaccessible chinks. After fetching the vacuum cleaner, it gave up - after it already had spread a suspicious smell in the house a couple days ago - leaving a dead motor. After the electric box finally was opened, I had to face the fact that it got flooded after it had been raining heavily for days - a microfissure in the area of a screwing. After removing and drying the previously speechless controller, it participated in the communication again, but one of its output channels didn't work any longer - the power amplifier was blown ... so it was taken to the surgical table for repair:

Replacement of the blown transistors

Alive again

In view of the previous shambles a quite quick repair - by the way, the first repair of this kind after eight years since the layout's build-up.

After returning from the repair in the basement, a second train hits the tracks. But neither this one reaches its destination - during the time in the basement Murphy's abettor striked out...

I'm fed up with this beast...

Clear tracks after getting rid of digman's heritage...

After this obstacle's removal the trains' operations finally worked without further hassles !

October 2011 | Archive "Current Affairs" | December 2011