Katzhagen - Archive - June 2009

The colour of spring is green...

and since moss had crawled into the tracks' gravel bed after six years, parts of the tracks also turned green. In the station of Katzhagen the Preiser family had difficulties to cross the tracks because the moss reached up to their hips. Attempts to fight the moss by natural means such like vinegar essence failed miserably. Tearing out the moss resulted in holes in the gravel bed.

Just allusively visible: Moss crawling into Susch station as well

Since the problem could not be controlled, it had to be eliminated. The gravel was removed completely from both of the stations and from a section of the tracks. The subgrade was cleaned and new gravel was applied. Hooray ! No more boredom for ten days !! - Rubbish, this of course was what I'd tend to call a punishment... (not knowing which crime I had committed, though).

Start with washing the gravel...

...make a mental note of the condition...

...remove tracks, moss and old gravel...

...be suprised by nature's force once again...

...prepare for applying new gravel...

...and after work, be happy about the result !

Since the application of an algae and moss remover using a spray bottle had an excellent cleaning effect on the model buildings, the new gravel will be treated in the same way as a preventive measure.

May 2009 | Archive "Current Affairs" | July 2009