Katzhagen - Archive - January 2012


Kiss exhilarated the community by delivering the Bernina panorama coaches. Despite opinions were divided regarding these models' quality, I fancied obtaining a complete train. When rumours that LGB would make an RhB Allegra railcar train-set turned into a fact, there was no reason any longer to refrain from placing an order...

After the cars had arrived, they were examined thoroughly and I grasped the criticsm on these cars I found in various places before.

An ex-factory 2nd class coach on the left and a 1st class coach after a few first upgrade steps on the right

In the following the most relevant shortcomings were revised and some details were added - to some extent with the help of friendly combatants on location in Switzerland who provided information for implementing the details. Some weeks passed until the efforts resulted in an acceptable result...

Modified arm rests, wall and window beam panelling, seat number plates, lamp dummies and further details...

Patterns for stickers and decals for detailing these cars' interior like shown above
can be obtained for personal usage by sending a related request.

The project area contains a detailed report of upgrade with many pictures.

December 2011 | Archive "Current Affairs" | March 2012