
Integration into the garden

Just in a single place tribute had to be payed to the local facts where a "railway crossing" had to be built for the lawn tractor to get inside the circle of tracks. This crossing was built from a gutter channel one for example often finds in front of garages. The track is integrated at the gutter's bottom and the metal grate is put in place only for mowing.

2200x130x5mm - the dimensions of the hot-galvanized girder under the bridge, which is the contruction's load-bearing element.

The girder is screwed to the concrete bridge bearings on the pond's banks. The bridge modells are screwed to the girder, the piers do not bear any load. At times the bridge mutates to a cat cinema - when there is some suspenseful movie in the pond...

A project taking an unexpectedly long period, was graveling the tracks' bed with "3mm noble-grit" which was fixed using a water- resistant wood glue. Despite contradicting 3-days-forecasts, surprising downpours washed out the diluted glue and the work already done had to be repeated.

Given an average "graveling speed" of 1m/h (including all accompaning work like mixing the glue and setbacks of the above kind) it is easy to calculate how many weeks it took to complete the 180m gravel-work after returning from work in the evening.

A little dead-end branch leading to the sawmill located at the brook was added in Summer 2005. In this place loads of wood arrive, boards are shipped, and a for both the employees and the tourists a railcar is available. Smooth operations are provided by a passing track.

The first extension after two years from start - a sawmill.
