Katzhagen - Archive - September 2019


...from Amerika and the isle of Sylt

As luck would have it, I found out that a colleague also dealt with LGB trains - after numerous years of colaboration ! He came to visit with a bunch of rolling stock quite soon and we had lots of fun with the trains outside in the garden...

I hadn't seen any models of American prototypes myself before, just in pictures found in catalogs or on the 'Net. For some strange reason I never considered acquiring such rolling stock for my layout, but now that this rolling stock found its way onto my tracks ... it looked very nice !
One could easily weaken - but given the European style buildings on the layout and the already existing amount of European rolling stock ... no real option.

The Sylt railcar's structural shape is well known eversince. The most significant difference compared to the better known units are the different engines beneath the different bonnets. The model's sound reflects this circumstance and the sound is different depending on the direction. Operations of the railcar equipped with a mfx decoder worked flawlessly on the tracks with analogue power.

Movie time...

Being an IT geek equipped with a good deal of ludic drive (essential for survival when being in the IT business) the colleague had prepared a camera car for documenting the proceedings from the Preiser family's perspective. An excellent idea which provided for showing the recordings in this place, too. A RasPi cam (Alpine Classic and 994652) and a GoPro cam (Mogul und Triebwagen) were used on the tracks and an iPhone beside them.

More of this coming soon in this motion-picture theater

August 2019 | Archive "Current Affairs" | October 2019